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How Would Your Life Change In The Next 90 Days If You Had The Key To Unlock Everything You Needed And Wanted To Know About Growing A Wildly Successful Business Online... 
All In One Place? 
How Would Your Life Change  In The Next 90 Days If You Had The Key To Unlock Everything You Needed And Wanted To Know About Building A Wildly Successful Business Online... 
All In One Place? 

Get Ready To Learn For From Top Experts, Mentors, and Coaches, Earning 6, 7, and 8-Figures In Their Online Businesses Right Now During Our LIVE Self-Educate To Elevate Virtual Summit!

The ultimate event for coaches, podcasters, YouTubers, designers, hairstylists, mentors, authors, speakers, new business owners, creative entrepreneurs, and more!
self-educate to elevate SUMMIT
 Get Instant Access
Hey Awesome Creators and Business Owners! 

Have you ever thought...
"What Do I Need To Scale My Business Online? Or, 
How Can I Have Consistent $10K Months?”
Maybe you've been thinking... 
"I see so many people starting successful businesses and side hustles online, but they "hardly ever post on social media", they don't have a "large following", they just make it look so "easy".  

It seems like they're living the dream...but...
“How do I, someone who didn’t go to school for business and marketing, follow my dreams, walk in my purpose, and live my passion to build a wildly successful online business… and finally reach the level of freedom and impact I truly desire?” 
You are not alone… I asked myself these same questions when I started...

My name is Dr. Sonia, and I’m the Founder of Jump First…

I help business owners and visionary entrepreneurs live their passions, increase their impact, and experience more freedom of time, location, and finances through creating highly effective online courses.

But what most people don't know is that I’ve mentored hundreds of business owners all around the world, helping them to inspire others by confidently sharing their stories and expertise, to develop deeper connections with their customers, shape their legacies, and ultimately, change the way we all think, learn, grow, and experience the world around us…
While there have been many who have discovered the secrets for starting and growing their own profitable online businesses… there are still many others who have not…

The fact is, almost 50% of all businesses fail within the first 5 years… Usually due to lack of funding, not having the right business strategy or plan in place, and failed marketing.

These stats are alarming to me… especially, now that we are living in a time when digital education is booming… the world is literally at our fingertips…

So, I asked 11 of the world's best online business owners and marketing experts to share their insights. People who specialize in all of the major online business industries like:
  • Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • Social Media Marketing
  • ​Branding 
  • ​Purpose 
  • ​Mindset
  • ​...and more!
Here’s the message that I sent to the experts, to see if they could help uncover the secrets we needed to understand to get more business owners unstuck and help them start scaling to 6-figures or more:
Hey (Insert Business Expert & Mentor Name),

I have a burning question for you and I’d love to know your answer… 
If you knew you only had 5 minutes to pass down everything you’ve 
learned over the last decade, what would be the single most important thing 
you would teach/say to the next generation of business owners? 

What steps did you take to build your business from the very beginning?

- Dr. Sonia

I wanted to know EXACTLY how ANYONE can scale an online business from $0 to $10k/month, starting right now. What strategies should we be using to help us achieve more impact and freedom... in less time?
I decided to reach out to the top business, marketing, and mentoring experts and asked them if they would be willing to share how building an online business can help right now, even if you’ve been struggling and stuck in start.
I was super excited by the responses I received! Most were willing to make the time to sit down with me to share their expertise and exact strategies for getting it DONE.
Their advice for how to use simple online tools, including social media and 3-step systems to help you develop a plan for narrowing our focus, finding your purpose, overcoming your fears, and attracting an abundance of leads and sales every day, was absolutely AMAZING. I kept digging deeper and was surprised (and extremely humbled) at how much VALUE each of these experts was willing to GIVE away! 
Everyone I interviewed gave guidance that was real, straightforward, and based on their own experiences – whether from their own failures or their wins, these strategies helped them achieve proven results. The knowledge I gained during these interviews has forever changed my life, and I am super excited to pass it on to you! 
Your Business  
The Right Online Strategies 
= Freedom...  
...My major discovery and takeaway from all of my interviews with these leading online experts was that, most often, a lack of results is based on just 2 main things: 1) mindset and 2) a lack of consistent and persistent effort using the right online strategy. 

Once we understand how to implement strategies for strengthening both of these things, then we can eliminate all fear and overwhelm and, instead, experience the fun and low-stress lifestyle we all want, which comes with having a highly profitable, wildly successful online business...
Fear, Overwhelm, Stress, Uncertainty…
Much of the reason many business owners struggle in the beginning is that we don't have all the right tools, the right strategy, or the right mentors in place initially.  Investing in self-education and mentorship accelerates the path to FREEDOM!!! 
A few days before I left my well-paying job to become a full-time entrepreneur and do something I love, I remember asking "how are so many businesses getting a flood of customers using social media?" "People are waiting in line to buy what they're it really that simple?” “What am I missing?"

It's been a crazy ride full of mistakes, failures, and tons of questions along the way. That’s why I only want to share the strategies that actually work.

I know how frustrating it is getting started and trying so many “tips and tricks” that just don’t work. I am so happy and extremely appreciative of the sound advice and resourceful strategies these experts provided.
My Mindset And My Business 
Have Been Transformed For LIFE!!! 
From these interviews, I gained so much wisdom and insight – some things I hadn’t ever thought about before that I should’ve been implementing in my business since day 1...

After interviewing 11 of the top online performers, they left me ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, that ANYONE, as long as they consistently apply the tried and proven secret strategies found inside these interviews, can take their online businesses and personal development to the next level faster and more predictably, without the stress or overwhelm.

As an educator, I immediately knew that I needed to share this with as many people as I could, as quickly as possible.  

Anyone Who Has Ever Felt Fearful, Frustrated, and Overwhelmed in Starting And Scaling Their Online Business…  
Needs To Watch These Interviews.
These interviews are worth more than a whole entire year of college.

Instead of charging college tuition for these timeless lessons, I wanted to be sure this life-changing material was accessible to ANYONE who wanted to level-up their personal and business life.

So, I asked each of these experts,

“Instead of charging a premium to access the interviews inside our members-only area…

Would It Be Cool If We Shared Our Private Platform With Everyone Who Really Wanted It…?
And guess what? 
EVERYONE Agreed To Sit Down With Me In A One-On-One Interview To Guide You Through Each Of Their Strategies for Starting And Scaling Their Online Businesses to 6, 7, and 8-Figures!!! We Filmed It AND They Also Agreed To Give You LifeTime Access To View Our Interview and Top Resources!
SPeakers HAVE BEEN Featured in:
"Choosing The Right Business & Scaling Using Social Media"
"Building Sustainable Relationships Through Effective Communication"
"What Systems Matter For Every Business And How To Implement Them" 
Dr. Brenda Marina
"Finding The Right Mentors And Building Good Personal And Professional Relationships"
"The Truth About Mental Health For Business Owners"
"Moving Your Business To The Next Level With The Right Online Strategies & Choosing Your Business Mentors"
"How To Create, Revise, & Execute A Profitable Business Plan"
"Crafting Your Unique Message For Consistent Sales Online"
"Finding Your Purpose, Fueling Your Passion, And Creating Your Vision"
"Amplify Your Reach: How to use Facebook and Instagram Ads to Get In Front of Your Ideal Customers"
"Using Online Courses To Scale Your Business To 
6-Figure Months And Beyond"   
"Branding, Trademarking, and Copyrighting Secrets"   
Learn How To Start & Scale An Online Business To 
6-Figures, EVEN If You Don't Know Where To Start.  
Sign up with your best email address to get ACCESS to the virtual summit:
  • "Finding Your Purpose, Fueling Your Passion, And Creating Your Vision"Christine Minh Minh Garner                    
  • "The Truth About Mental Health For Business Owners" LaVante' Dorsey, LCSW
  • "Building Sustainable Relationships Through Effective Communication"Khalea Cooper
  • "Finding The Right Mentors And Building Good Relationships"         Dr. Brenda Marina
  • "How To Create, Revise, & Execute A Profitable Business Plan"  Councilwoman Rysheema Dixon 
  • "Moving Your Business To The Next Level With The Right Online Strategies"  Ayodolapo Ajao
  • "Crafting Your Unique Message For Consistent Sales Online"                             Bianca Rush
  • "Branding, Trademarking, & Copyrighting Secrets"                                           Charis Dorsey, Esq.
  • "Choosing The Right Business & Scaling Using Social Media"                          Tara Paton
  • "What Systems Matter For Every Business And How To Implement Them" Elisabeth Jackson
  • "Amplify Your Reach: How to use Facebook and Instagram Ads to Get In Front of Your Ideal Customers"    Abu Fofanah
  • "Using Online Courses to Scale Your Business to 6-Figure Months"                 Dr. Sonia Murrey
I know how hard it can be getting started and how overwhelming it can feel when you’re trying to scale an online business.

Let me help.
I Want To GIVE You Access To 
All 11 Interviews…
So You Can Learn & Implement The SAME Secrets for Scaling YOUR Online Business To 6-Figures and Beyond, Even If You Don’t Know Where To Start!
This is not a sales pitch here.
There Is Absolutely NO Catch. 
I Want To MAKE SURE You Access AND Implement Each Of The Plans That Will Help You Succeed The First Time…
So, I'd Like To Offer You An All-Access Pass To Watch All Of The Interviews.
(All You Have To Do Is Register To Grab Your All-Access Pass.) 
For Life.  
That means you have LIFETIME Access…
Gather as much info as you can from the interviews…

Take good notes


That’s my only request.

That you actually IMPLEMENT the things you learn from these top experts, right away.
Yup, that’s it!
Are YOU ready to go all in?

1.) Register!
2.) Watch the interviews!
3.) EXECUTE each plan!

Can’t wait to see your results.  

See you inside the members-only area in a few minutes!
P.S. - If you scrolled all the way down to the bottom for the quick recap… check it out:
Register for the Self-Educate To Elevate Summit and get an all-access pass to watch all 11 interviews with some of the world’s best business coaches, mentors, relationship and marketing experts, who will show you their exact plan for starting and scaling a successful online business…for $67!

...and learn how to take your online business and personal development to the next level through self-education and mentorship secrets...and when you register you’ll also receive a very special presentation from me to show you the shortcuts and relationships you need to create massive success using online courses.

All you’ve got to do is grab your ticket right here, right now:

dR. sONIA 
Dr. Sonia is an expert on Mentorship, course development, and classroom instruction. Both her professional and personal endeavors shine a bright light on the need for alternative mentorship programs that promote individuality and creativity.

As CEO of Jump First and a University Professor, Dr. Sonia has the rare ability to electrify her audiences with original and creative ideas along with her undeniable wit.

She is committed to helping her students find their purposes, passions, and voices through unique pathways that encourage and empower others to embrace their diversity ultimately leading to individuals becoming the best version of themselves and doing their best work while building lasting legacies and creating wealth for generations to come.

Want to learn more? 
Check out!
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